Search Before Asking Online
Nowadays, there are many online chat groups aimed at helping beginners in programming understand concepts or solve problems. However, many users ask trivial questions that could easily be answered with a quick Google search. Here’s an example:
Hi, does anyone know a way to print "Hello world" in Python?
Hi, you could use the print("Hello world") method.
Why search before asking?
When someone asks:
Hi, can anyone help me? When deleting a file in Python, I get an error...
Hi, I want someone to give me the solution. I'm having an issue with Python when trying to delete a file, and I get an error (...). Can anyone help me fix this? Thanks in advance.
Hi, does anyone know how to create a starter project in React using NPX?
The command for creating an empty project is in the React documentation.
Oh, thanks. Could you send me the wiki link?
What to do first
First, try searching on Google. For example, in the case of creating an empty React project, instead of going to a chat and asking, try searching on Google:
When to ask
Chat groups exist to solve doubts, and asking questions isn’t wrong. However, it’s important to know when to ask. If you’ve already searched on Google and checked at least 2-3 different sources without finding a solution, then it’s appropriate to ask in the chat:
Hi, I’m trying to create a project in React. I’ve searched on several sites and none have solved my problem. When I run the command, I get an error (...). Could anyone help? Thanks.
Hi, I’m trying to create a Python application that, when running the sudoku
command, generates 200 sudoku grids. Does anyone know how to generate 200 grids without affecting performance? Thanks.
Do you want to help with translations to more languages? Go to github!